I have a background in computer sciences and bioinformatics. I like the idea to use my knowledge for real concrete applications, linked to our understanding of life. I used many technologies during my studies, Python, Java, Julia, C, C++, HTML, PHP, CSS, JS, Bash, ... I would'nt say I'm an expert everywhere, but I would definitively be at ease working with one of these or similar. I'm currently working as a Phd student on the Omics Finder Project under the supervision of Pierre Peterlongo, Yoann Dufresne and Bertrand Le Gal at Inria Rennes, France. That's precisely the kind of work that I'm passionate about, that can that solve real-world problems impacting millions of users.
- Languages: Python, Java, JavaScript, C, C++, HTML/CSS, Bash, Julia
- Databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL
- Libraries: NumPy, OpenCV, TensorFlow, PyTorch, Matplotlib
- Tools & Technologies: Git, Docker, Heroku
- Elaborated a more space-efficient variant of an existing data structure for indexing genomic data
- Setting up a state-of-the-art, theory work, implementation and testing.
- Improved the memory usage between 30% and 100% depending of the data indexed.
- Work is available as a tool and details of the results follow the FAIR principles -> BQF.
- Tools: C++, Latex
- Implementation in Julia of a Boolean network with Most Permissive semantic (MPBN) for determining deterioration risks of cancer state depending on patient variables.
- Optimization through testing and profiling.
- Increased performances by several orders of magnitude compared to the previous python implementation.
- Tools: Python, Julia, profiling tools
- Programmed a cloud-based web app for automating creation of surveys online.
- Tools: HTML, CSS, PHP, SQL, JavaScript
The Backpack Quotient Filter: A Space-Efficient Approach to Counting Quotient Filter
- Slides: Seqbim_presentation.pdf
- Presentation of the Backpack quotient filter improvements
Languages and Databases
Rennes, France
Degree: Master of bioinformatics
- Sequence analysis
- Modelling
- Algorithm
- Statistics
- Machine learning
Relevant Courseworks:
Caen, France
Degree: Bachelor of Computer sciences
- Data Structures and Algorithms
- Database Management Systems
- Operating Systems
- Low-level languages
- Web development
Relevant Courseworks: